Category - Bahamas

Sandals Resorts tneħħi l-inkwiet mill-pjanijiet tal-ivvjaġġar fid-dinja tal-lum

Vjaġġaturi huma chomping fil-bit, lesti li jagħmlu pjanijiet vaganza tagħhom, minkejja dak li qed jiġri fid-dinja bħalissa. Fortunatament, Sandals Resorts għandu mod kif jagħmel dawk il-pjanijiet b'kunfidenza u mingħajr tħassib dwar x'jista' jew ma jistax jiġri fil-futur. - eTurboNews | Xejriet | Aħbarijiet tal-Ivvjaġġar

Il-Baħamas tilqa ’t-titjira inawgurali ta’ Frontier Airlines lejn Nassau

The Bahamas welcomed Frontier Airlines' inaugural flight yesterday with great excitement as it landed at the Lynden Pindling International Airport. Frontier is the first ultra-low-cost carrier to enter the Caribbean market with multiple travel days per week. Bahamas welcomes Frontier Airlines inaugural flight to Nassau

Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Wirt Bahamian tolqot id-dar fil-logħba Marlins

Like the Miami Marlins’ 4-2 win against the Atlanta Braves on June 12, The Islands of The Bahamas also emerged victorious as thousands of fans witnessed the special game, which prominently featured the culture of The Bahamas in a special Bahamas-themed night. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Iħaddnu l-ħin tal-gżira fil-Baħamas bil-faċilità li tivvjaġġa bl-ajru

The Bahamas is poised for a big comeback this summer. Whether travelers are toe-dipping their way back into travel and seeking a close-to-home vacation, or adding island hopping to their adventure-focused itinerary, getting to The Bahamas is within arm’s reach, thanks to the many airlift options in major hubs across the U.S. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

X'hemm ġdid fil-Baħamas f'Ġunju

Wanderlust no more. The Bahamas welcomes travelers to celebrate the arrival of summer with ease! Experience the islands – in real life – for an unforgettable vacation. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Copa Airlines tkompli t-titjiriet lejn il-Baħamas fil-5 ta ’Ġunju, 2021

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation and Copa Airlines have announced that, as of June 5, 2021, the Airline will reconnect Nassau with Brazil twice a week, on Mondays and Saturdays, and that starting June 17, flight days will change to Sundays and Thursdays. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

X'hemm ġdid fil-Gżejjer tal-Baħamas f'Mejju

The Islands of The Bahamas await travelers who are ready to plan their summer vacations. Those wishing to visit the idyllic sandy beaches and irresistible blue waters of the islands are sure to find the paradise experience of their dreams in The Bahamas. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online