Kategorija - Aħbarijiet dwar it-Trasport

Maskri obbligatorji li jirritornaw lejn London Underground

Jekk jiġu implimentati, il-bidliet proposti mis-Sindku Khan effettivament ireġġgħu lura s-sitwazzjoni fuq it-trasport pubbliku ta 'Londra għal kundizzjonijiet ta' qabel id-19 ta 'Lulju. - eTurboNews | Aħbarijiet tal-Ivvjaġġar

Il-Qatar Airways Raġuni tal-Flotta tal-Airbus A350 tagħha

Qatar Airways expects Airbus to have established the root cause and permanently corrected the underlying condition to the satisfaction of Qatar Airways and our regulator before we take delivery of any further A350 aircraft. - eTurboNews | Travel News

Il-Viżitaturi Koreani Jħobbu lil Guam u GVB jilqa 'lill-passiġġieri ta' T'way b'kanzunetta

The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) and A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority (GIAA) welcomed the first flight from Seoul, South Korea in 2021 late Saturday night. The B737-800 aircraft arrived from Seoul, Korea, and brought 52 passengers to the island. The flight was operated by T’way, the first airline carrier to resume regular air service […] - eTurboNews | Travel News

Indja Avjazzjoni: Linji tal-Ajru Ġodda fuq l-Orizzont

The India aviation sector, like almost every travel and tourism endeavor, never has a dull moment, regardless of whether or not the moment at hand is positive or negative. This moment in time, however, has all the appearances of being positive. - eTurboNews | Travel News

Ir-Russja tkompli t-Titjiriet lejn Franza u r-Repubblika Ċeka

The decision to resume flights with these countries appears to be just a formality, since no airline has announced plans to resume scheduled direct flights between the Russian Federation, France and Czech Republic. - eTurboNews | Travel News