Yuan set to become Zimbabwe’s latest currency as China’s influence grows

Ejja fl-1 ta' Jannar tas-sena d-dieħla, il-wan Ċiniż isir munita uffiċjali fiż-Żimbabwe wara diskussjonijiet li saru bejn iż-żewġ gvernijiet waqt żjara statali tal-president Ċiniż.

Dan se jagħmel il-munita Ċiniża ugwali fiż-Żimbabwe mad-dollaru Amerikan, ir-rand tal-Afrika t'Isfel, u l-pula tal-Botswana, bl-ewro ma jkollu l-ebda rwol f'din l-ekwazzjoni, forsi tfakkira qawwija tan-negattività li l-Unjoni Ewropea wriet kontra ż-Żimbabwe.

Iċ-Ċina saret l-akbar sieħeb kummerċjali taż-Żimbabwe u l-investimenti qed jespandu, wara ż-żjara tal-President Xi JinPing fil-pajjiż xi żmien ilu.

Looking East, after the windows to the West were locked by the Western powers, the remaining avenue to Zimbabwe, besides intra African trade, has come to export and import goods, and the use of the yuan is expected to facilitate this further. A write-off of loans worth 40 million US dollars helped Zimbabwe at the time to find a sounder economic footing again.

Chinese tourist numbers are growing as they are for Zambia and other neighboring countries, and Emirates is the one of the few airlines, besides Kenya Airways, offering daily connections from a number of Chinese cities via Dubai to Harare.