Guangzhou Port Group extends its office network into Europe

After the successful launch of the partnership with Guangzhou Port America LLC one year ago, Guangzhou Port Group is extending its network of offices into Europe with the partnership of Guangzhou Port (Europe) B.V.

Johannes Nanninga, CEO of Guangzhou Port (Europe) B.V. comments that the portfolio of Guangzhou Port group in the Pearl River Delta with deep sea Port of Nansha in the West Pearl River Delta in particular offers very effective and competitive solutions to optimize for Suppliers and Cargo owners their supply chain with South and West China.

Operazzjonalment il-Port ta 'Nansha jikseb l-aqwa produttività fil-klassi flimkien ma' spazju akbar. L-espansjoni reċenti f'Nansha tlestiet aktar kmieni fis-sena u għalhekk it-tliet terminals huma kompletament operattivi b'irmiġġi żejda u kapaċità tat-tarzna. L-irmiġġi huma ilma fond, li ppermetta lill-Port ta 'Nansha jaħdem fuq 15-il mega-bastiment din is-sena.

Il-kooperazzjoni mad-dwana b'mod partikolari hija appoġġjata mill-aħħar proċeduri disponibbli u tal-ogħla status preferenzjali li jappartjeni lil Port ta' Żona ta' Kummerċ Ħieles.

Sadanittant il-Portijiet ta 'Guangzhou diġà jappartjeni bis-sħiħ lill-aqwa 10 portijiet tal-kontejners traffikużi fid-dinja bil-Port ta' Nansha waħdu diġà jammonta għal aktar minn 11-il miljun TEU throughput fis-sena.

“We’ve been fast growing since the opening of Port of Nansha which benefited clients particularly in West Pearl River Delta (PRD). Our new partnership refers to success last year in the US. We would like to achieve that success also in Europe and to benefit more of the Deep Sea East West routes”, said Mr. Song Xiaoming, Vice President of Guangzhou Port Group.

Johannes Nanninga adds that the hub of Port of Nansha for export and import of South China has a lot of opportunity to grow to its potential with the combination of Logistics Parks situated adjacent to the port. “This really makes it an exciting location to concentrate the supply chains of Exporters from and Importers to South and West China. Definitely in Europe this potential has not been fully recognized yet, which is one of the main missions of Guangzhou Port (Europe) B.V.”
