Pew ifaħħar regolamenti ġodda dwar il-kummerċ tal-klieb il-baħar u r-raġġi

The Pew Charitable Trusts today applauded the move by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to extend to four species of sharks and nine species of mobula rays the protections they need to recover from depleted populations.

Il-kummerċ ta' klieb il-baħar ħarir, tliet speċi ta' klieb il-baħar thresher, u disa' speċi ta' raġġi mobula issa se jkollhom jiġu ppruvati li huma sostenibbli, wara li aktar minn żewġ terzi tal-182 gvern membru tas-CITES fis-17-il Konferenza tal-Partijiet (CoP17) f'Johannesburg, L-Afrika t'Isfel, qablet li żżid l-ispeċi fl-Appendiċi II.

Dawn il-listi addizzjonali jirdoppjaw il-perċentwal ta' klieb il-baħar mhedda mill-kummerċ tal-pinen li issa huma regolati taħt il-konvenzjoni tal-konservazzjoni tal-ħajja selvaġġa ewlenija fid-dinja. Il-mossa tipprovdi ċans għal dawn l-ispeċi biex jirkupraw minn tnaqqis fil-popolazzjoni ta 'aktar minn 70 fil-mija tul il-firxa tagħhom ikkawżat primarjament mill-kummerċ globali fix-xewk u l-pjanċi tal-garġi.

"Dan il-vot huwa pass kbir lejn l-iżgurar tas-sopravivenza ta' dawn l-ispeċi akbar ta' klieb il-baħar u raġġi, li għadhom fl-akbar riskju ta' estinzjoni minħabba l-valur tax-xewk u l-garġi tagħhom," qal Luke Warwick, direttur tal-kampanja globali ta' konservazzjoni tal-klieb il-baħar. f’The Pew Charitable Trusts. "Is-sejħa minn numru rekord ta' gvernijiet biex jipproteġu dawn l-ispeċi ġiet imwieġba."

"Nistennew bil-ħerqa suċċess u koordinazzjoni globali kontinwi hekk kif il-listi jiġu implimentati," żied Warwick, "u nfaħħru lis-CITES bħala l-protettur ewlieni fid-dinja tal-klieb il-baħar u r-raġġi."

The proposals to add these shark and ray species to Appendix II drew historic levels of support this year.  More than 50 countries signed on as cosponsors for one or more of the proposed listings. In the lead-up to CoP17, regional workshops were held around the world, including in the Dominican Republic, Samoa, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and South Africa, which helped build massive backing for the new listings.

Implementation of the landmark 2013 shark and ray Appendix II listings, which for the first time allowed for regulation of five commercially traded shark species, has been heralded as widely successful.  Governments around the world have hosted training workshops for customs and environment officials since the 2013 listings went into effect on best practices to create sustainable export limits and customs checks to prevent illegal trade.

“Governments have the blueprint to duplicate and even surpass the implementation successes of the 2013 shark and ray listings,” said Warwick.  “We expect an enormous global response to engage and effectively enforce these latest protections, and look forward to the continued growth of a worldwide push towards shark and ray conservation.”
