Planned terror attack on Disneyland Paris

Sors żvela li s-suspettati terroristiċi kienu qed ifittxu postijiet f’Pariġi sabiex iwettqu attakki fl-1 ta’ Diċembru. Postijiet kienu jinkludu Disneyland Paris, suq tal-Milied fi Champs Elysees, stazzjon tal-metro, bars u kafetteriji, kif ukoll postijiet ta’ qima – 20 mira f'kollox.

Il-kwartieri ġenerali tad-DGSI, is-servizz tal-intelliġenza ta’ Franza f’Levallois, u l-kwartieri ġenerali tal-Pulizija Ġudizzjarja ta’ Pariġi kienu wkoll fil-mira tal-attakki. Is-sigurtà żdiedet f’dawn is-siti.

This terrorist cell group consisted of seven men aged 29-46 with origins in Afghan, Morocco, France, Portugal, and Strasbourg. They were already under an investigation that started eight months ago. These men are now being detained, although two of the men from Strasbourg and Marseille have since been released.  At least one of the suspects possessed a letter of allegiance to the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL.
