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Qatar Airways launches codeshare with Air Botswana


Qatar Airways is pleased to announce a codeshare partnership with Air Botswana, offering Qatar Airways travellers enhanced access to three key destinations in Botswana, Africa.

Is-sħubija mal-Air Botswana, il-linja tal-ajru nazzjonali tal-Botswana, se tipprovdi lill-passiġġieri tal-Qatar Airways b’konnessjonijiet mal-bliet tal-Botswana ta ’Gaborone, Francistown u Maun permezz tal-gateway tal-Afrika t’Isfel ta’ Qatar Airways Johannesburg. Qatar Airways topera titjiriet ta ’kuljum darbtejn bejn Johannesburg u ċ-ċentru l-aktar avvanzat tagħha, l-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Hamad f’Doha, b’titjiriet ’il quddiem lejn aktar minn 150 destinazzjoni mad-dinja kollha.

The new codeshare agreement allows business and leisure travellers fast and convenient access to the home of Botswana’s rich mineral industry, abundant game reserves, and luxury safari lodges. Botswana’s luxurious tourism experiences are complemented by Qatar Airways’ ultra-modern fleet of aircraft featuring the world’s best Business Class on services to South Africa.

Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, said: “Our new codeshare agreement with Air Botswana will offer even greater opportunities for passengers from across our global network, especially from key markets in Europe and Asia to easily connect with popular destinations in Botswana, to take advantage of exclusive leisure experiences.

“Codeshare partnerships and airline alliances continue to play an important role for Qatar Airways. We are committed to serving the travel needs of the African market and the addition of Air Botswana flights to Qatar Airways’ route network is an important expansion of our network.”

Ir-reġjun tan-Nofsinhar tal-Afrika huwa suq importanti għall-Qatar Airways, bi tliet destinazzjonijiet fl-Afrika t'Isfel inklużi Johannesburg, Cape Town u Durban, u fil-lvant ta 'Maputo fil-Możambik. L-espansjoni f'dan ir-reġjun hija fokus ewlieni għall-Qatar Airways, wara li nediet servizzi għall-kapitali Namibjana Windhoek fit-28 ta 'Settembru, b'Lusaka fiż-Żambja biex issegwi, u t-tkomplija tas-servizzi lis-Seychelles f'Diċembru 2016.

Air Botswana’s Acting General Manager, Ms. Agnes Khunwana, said: “We are delighted to join forces with a renowned global airline like Qatar Airways to launch codeshare services to a number of Botswana cities. This partnership provides Qatar Airways’ passengers with easy and direct access to a number of key business and high-end leisure destinations across Botswana while providing easy access to Qatar Airways’ global network for the people of Gaborone, Francistown and Maun when booking directly with Qatar Airways. We look forward to working closely with Qatar Airways into the future.”

Vjaġġaturi li jgħaqqdu man-netwerk globali tal-Qatar Airways mill-Afrika t'Isfel se jkollhom aċċess għal aktar minn 150 destinazzjoni u se jkomplu jaraw lil Qatar Airways tespandi l-firxa globali tagħha, b'aktar minn tużżana destinazzjonijiet ġodda miżjuda fl-2016 biex jiġu esplorati. Din is-sena, il-linja tal-ajru nediet rotot lejn Adelaide (Awstralja), Atlanta (USA), Birmingham (UK), Boston (USA), Helsinki (Finlandja), Los Angeles (USA), Marrakech (Marokk), Pisa (Italja), Ras Al Khaimah (UAE), Sydney (Awstralja), Windhoek (Namibja) u Yerevan (Armenja). Matul ix-xhur li ġejjin, in-netwerk se jikber aktar ma 'Krabi (it-Tajlandja) u s-Seychelles.
