“Vodohod” Russu jordna l-bini ta’ vapur tal-kruċiera ġdid

Fid-29 ta’ Diċembru 2016 f’Moska l-kumpanija tat-tbaħħir “Vodohod” (li hija parti minn UCL Holding) u “United Shipbuilding Corporation” iffirmaw kuntratt għall-bini ta’ bastiment tal-kruċieri tal-passiġġieri b’erba’ gverti tal-proġett PV300LMPP-110 ta’ “sea- klassi tax-xmara”. Bastiment ġdid tal-kategorija 5* huwa ppjanat li jiġi introdott fl-operat fin-navigazzjoni 2020.

Il-finanzjament tal-kostruzzjoni jitwettaq bħala parti mill-programm governattiv "Żvilupp tal-bini tal-bastimenti għall-2013 - 2030" tal-Ministeru tal-Industrija u l-Kummerċ tal-Federazzjoni Russa. L-imsieħba tat-tranżazzjoni huma JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" (USC) u CJSC "Goznak-leasing". Il-klijent huwa LLC "Vodohod". Il-kuntrattur ewlieni tal-kuntratt se jkun it-Tarzna PJSC "Krasnoye Sormovo" f'Nizhny Novgorod. It-tlestija tal-bini u l-ittestjar tal-bastiment tal-passiġġieri hija skedata għall-2019 u t-tlestija u t-trasferiment lill-klijent sal-bidu tan-navigazzjoni 2020. It-terminu mogħti tal-finanzjament tal-kuntratt huwa ta '20 sena (inkluż il-perjodu ta' kostruzzjoni tal-bastiment).

There is no doubt that this investment project will expand the horizons of preparation and provision of new touristic products and services on the internal market. It is assumed that a high quality product created from scratch will be in demand by both Russian and International clients. At the same time in the application and innovational sense the new cruise ship will become the true engine of the cruise market, it will give the impetus to the development of the port and touristic infrastructure in the cities along the route. The new product is expected to be in demand by those clients who previously haven’t considered Russian river cruise as a possible destination due to the lack of ships of suitable level in Russia: it is primarily guests from Japan, Middle Eastern countries, Singapore, Taiwan, Latin American countries and of course Russia. The liner is planned to operate primarily on the route Moscow – St.Petersburg, which is the most popular among foreign guests, but the realization of the tours will be made both on international and domestic markets.

The general features of the project PV300LMPP-110 are the following: length – 141 meters, width – 16,82 meters, passenger capacity – 342 pax, crew and service staff – 144 pax. The motorship is designed basing on the most modern comfort requirements: the cabins will be provided with “French” balconies, size of the standard cabin will be 19 sq. m. and size of suite cabin – 30 sq. m. In fact it will be a modern floating hotel created with the use of the most resent technological developments, with equipment of terraces of full value and with panoramic lounge on the bow of the ship. The special conditions on the vessel will be created for the comfortable stay of the guests with disabilities.
